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Council of Catholic Women
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
August 13 - 17
1st row Left to Right: Rita Maher (Saginaw CCW),
Becky Borglin (Kalamazoo CCW), Sharon Di Giovanni (Archdiocese of Detroit), Carolyn Morrison (Detroit Province Director),
Barb Vezino (Grand Rapids CCW), Janet Regan (Grand Rapids CCW), Danna Gomez (Grand Rapids CCW)
2nd row: Ann Lukshaitis (Saginaw CCW), Joyce Raducha (Saginaw CCW) Sally from Utah, Georgette Anders (Archdiocese of Detroit),
Kathleen Penno (Archdiocese of Detroit), Fr. Ayub (Grand Rapids/Province Spiritual Advisor), Vicki Hermann (Kalamazoo CCW),
Lisa Kraemer (Grand Rapids CCW), Julie Racine (Archdiocese of Detroit)
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